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Loscon36-November 27-29, 2009 Loscon36-November 27-29, 2009 Loscon36-November 27-29, 2009 BUT WAIT...THERE'S MORE! -
Programming Menu
  Uncle BEM - But Wait...There's More! Art Show
Concerts / FILK
Fan Tables
Special Activities
Toy Drive

ANIMEAnime - Welcome Otaku and those new to Anime and Manga. At LosCon this year we are celebrating this popular style of art and storytelling. There will be panels, special CosPlay stations with fabulous backgrounds for your photographing pleasure (along with a neutral for ease of computer enhancement!) Come and enter your AMV's in a special competition and your costumes in our masquerade! Check back frequently for more surprises, events and special guests!

WritingArt - Artists and Art Lovers look at what we have in store for you! Our usual fabulous Art Show and Sale , the fantastic exhibition of work from the Artists of the Art Directors Guild and best of all Artist Guest of honor Tim Rickard, award winning illustrator and creator of fan favorite comic strip Brewster Rockit, Space Guy! will be leading a cadre of top notch artists as they inform us about the art we love so much and teach us how-to in fun workshops. Look for the challenging contests and some special surprises!

WritingBEMS & Aliens - Bug-eyed Monsters, Extraterrestrial life and Space People are the creatures of fact and fiction that populate our imaginations. Join with our con mascot Uncle BEM as we explore this aspect of fan interest. From the 1930’s pulp science fiction large-eyed horrors to Alien Hunting to the scientific field of Astrobiology where truth and fiction may collide or coincide. Who knows???

WritingFantasy & Magic - Come one – come all to the Worlds of Fantasy and Magic. Unreal creatures of delight and fear, characters we love to hiss and others we love to cheer. The laws of our reality may be suspended, bent, or broken and often a spell or two is spoken. A grand adventure is ours to undertake, as we explore these realms… don’t forget your traveling cape!

WritingGaming - If you like spending time at conventions playing games, you're in for a treat! Not only do we have a special room dedicated to nothing but games, we've got lots of games for you. Card games, board games, computer games, video games and role playing games will all be represented. Whatever it is you like to play, either it will be there, or something similar that you've never run across before.

WritingHeros & Superheros - Are you interested in Heros and Superheros? Well, join us as we take a look at how they came about. From Superman, to Batman, the Green Hornet, etc. You might even meet an artist or two whose worked on a movie that has been made about your favorite Hero or Superhero.

WritingHorror - Come meet Tananarive Due, Horror Writer Guest of Honor. Tananarive was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a First Novel for The Between. She was also nominated for a Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel for My Soul to Keep, as well as being nominated for an NAACP Image Award for The Black Rose, and in 2003, won the American Book Award for The Living Blood. We'll also have a make-up artist or two to give demo's on how you too can look like you favorite horror character. And if that's not enough, we'll learn how to costume for the perfect horror effect.

WritingMilitary & Historical - Military science fiction is set in the context of conflict between national, interplanetary, or interstellar armed forces; the primary viewpoint characters are usually soldiers. Stories include detail about military technology, procedure, ritual, and history; military stories may use parallels with historical conflicts. We will have demonstrations by the guys that brought Mecha into being, along with a panel or two. Dust off your space suits, and explore the world of History and Military.

WritingMyths & Legends - How far does your Myth & Legend go? Greek mythology, the Bible, or is it mostly intended to be modern fantasy written in the form of retelling a myth or legend. (Tolkien comes to mind for that.)

WritingProto-SF - When Jules Verne first started writing Science Fiction, or Leonardo Da Vinci first drew the "armored" car, that's exactly what it was. Fiction.

In panels, demonstrations, and workshops we'll get a better idea of what Speculative Fiction is all about. Bring your thinking caps, and speculate what the future may hold.

WritingScience & Technology - From Socrates to the 21st century, without science or technology, modern humankind wouldn't be where it is today. If you're interested in the Science and Technology of Science Fiction, come meet a few people, who when they say "It isn't rocket science", they mean it.

WritingSpeculative Fiction - As far as the Speculative SF, it consists, mostly, of "What if?" stories. What if we invented human-form robots with three laws built into their minds, what if we suddenly learned how to travel to the stars, what if we learned how to duplicate any artifact so that everybody could have as much gold, silver and gemstones they wanted?

WritingWriting - Spend the weekend with educators and famed authors who will take writers through a series of steps from organizing ideas to writing a best-seller.

Member/educators from the Greater Los Angeles Writers Society (GLAWS) will be at the convention to help you understand the inner workings of what it's like to be a writer. Sharpen your quills, fill you ink pots, and bring your parchment paper. Who knows, you just might be the next Robert A. Heinlein or Neil Stephenson.

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