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Planet LosCon

Student Science Fiction
Writing Contest


Science fiction and fantasy literature expands horizons and opens new worlds for its readers.  The stories it tells can take us to the farthest reaches of the universe, help us explore some new facet of the world around us, or take us to a magical realm . . . . Science fiction often is grounded in science fact.  The science of today, whether it is an American millionaire flying into space as the first "space tourist" or the cloning of Dolly the sheep in Scotland, can serve as the basis for science fiction stories.

Loscon 29 (L.A.’s regional science fiction and fantasy convention organized by the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, Inc., [a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization]) is sponsoring a writing contest for the best short story with a science fiction or fantasy theme.  This contest is open to all students in the 7th and 8th grades.

The short story must be an original work, in English, typewritten (word-processed) using a standard business font, and double spaced.  It must be at least seven pages long, or approximately 1790 words.  Entries will be judged on their originality and creativity, grammar and spelling, structure, character development, plot development, and the use of science fiction and fantasy elements.

Entries should be mailed to:  Student Science Fiction Writing Contest c/o Loscon 29, 11513 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601.  Entries must be postmarked by November 18, 2002.

Please use our entry form.

Semi-finalists (and their Guardians) are welcome to attend Loscon 29 the day of the ceremony, Saturday November 29, 2002. The winners will receive a full attending membership in Loscon 30 (in addition to other prizes).

E-mail here if you want to volunteer to be a judge or for more information about entering.  Judging takes place in the weeks before the con.  Judges are asked to rate 5 stories.

--Lynn Boston Baden


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Page updated 11/27/02
Dr. Susan "Arizona" Gleason, Webmaster

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